* Minister Cassandra Carter
Guest Speaker
Mt. Gilead FGIM
Women Exploitation Exposures & Background Encounters
Her exposure to women exploitation includes the following:
Family History
Experienced 8 of 10 Adverse Effects of Childhood Trauma
Counseling Session for Children with Trauma
K-12 School Setting
International Settings
Support efforts have including helping women exploited includes the following
Supported Family & Friends (20)
Educational Career/School Setting (over 100)
Youth Leader (over 100)
Homeless Evangelism Community Work with Churches (over 600)
Supported Domestic Violence Awareness Church Events (150)
Christian Organization Supporting Women & Children (over 150)
International Rescue Work/Donations (300)
New Endeavors
As a result of the exposure & background work, she is currently supporting local organization directly connected to the fighting Human Trafficking efforts local and abroad.
Human Trafficking Advocate Training Completed
Community Group Lead /Prevention of Human Trafficking Sessions
A Team Member of the Enhancement Foundation
Member of Mt. Gilead Full Gospel International Ministries

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