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About the 2024 Small Biz Empower Fest
Kingdom Conference

BC2024 Small Biz Empower Fest Kingdom Conference Limited Seating (1) - Made with PosterMyW


      A Press Release - Hot Off of The Press

         The Enhancement Foundation (TEF) 

                                            The 2024 Small Biz EmPower Fest Kingdom Conference

      Theme: Empowering Small Businesses to Build Legacies for the Future

Preparing Your Business Legacy Now for Unlimited Business Opportunities

When: Saturday, September 7, 2024
Where: Drury Hotel Plaza, 11049 West Broad Street, Glen Allen, VA
Time: 7:45am Check-In, 8:00am Start, 8:30am-3:45pm Program

The Enhancement Foundation (TEF), a 501(c)(3) organization, presents the 2024 Small Biz EmPower Fest Kingdom Conference, a comprehensive event designed to empower small businesses to build legacies for the future.

Scriptural Theme: Matthew 19:26, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Purpose: This conference aims to equip small business owners with practical tools, guidance, and encouragement to navigate the challenges of starting and remaining a successful business owner, while embracing their divine destiny.

Conference Objectives:
1. Define a clear vision and mission
2. Embrace innovation and adaptability
3. Build a strong online presence
4. Prioritize customer experience
5. Foster strategic partnerships
6. Invest in employee development
7. Implement effective marketing strategies
8. Monitor financial health
9. Stay agile and resilient
10. Seek feedback and continuous improvement

Goal: The 2024 Small Biz EmPower Fest Kingdom Conference aims to provide small business owners with the resources, connections, and tools they need to thrive and succeed in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

​The Visionary of the Conference:  

Special guest and program participants include:​

  • Pastor Brenda Campbell-Robinson, MSW/MBA, is the Founding Executive Director of the Enhancement Foundation,  Business Team Lead Economic Empowerment Ministry, and CEO of USSMC.

  • Minister William G. "Bill" Robinson is part of the USSMC (TEF Business Team).

  • Dr. Rev. Sheilah Belle, The Belle Journalist, Mid-Day Personality & Music Director of Praise 104.7 FM

  • Dr. Pamela, J. Smith-Downing, ODU and VWIEC Program

  • Bishop Daniel Robertson, Jr.

  • Minister Linda Clark

  • Minister Carolyn Minor Daughtry

  • Retired Sargeant First Class Francine R. Williams, CEO GNUS

  • Mrs. Oni Hunter, CEO, Soaring Eagles

  • Ms. Lynn Mann, APEX Accelerators

  • Ms. Lisette Johnson, City of Richmond

  • Mr. Jim Martin, SCORE

  • Mr. Martin Short, SBA Lead Economic Development Specialist & Public Info Officer

  • Dr. Angela Porter, Department of Veteran Services

  • Governor Youngkin or Representative 

  • Ms. Mariah Williams, Virginia Housing

  • Mr. Carlos Talley, Sheriff's Office

  • Mr. Dale Fickett, RVA Works

  • Mr. George Bolos, The Department of Economic Development

  • Ms. Arveice Washington, SES Director of the US Navy Office of Small Business

  • Other Special Guests


This conference offers a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded businesses, share experiences, and find encouragement in your Kingdom journey. Your participation will enrich the event, allowing you to share your unique perspective and insights with others.

Sponsorship Opportunities: Support small businesses and be part of a unified effort. We will be honoring special small businesses during the conference. If you know someone who would benefit from attending, consider sponsoring their registration.
Registration and Payment Details:

  • Registration and payment deadline: August 31, 2024. Once you select the submit button below then you will be completely registered.

  • Donations to TEF can be made at the event or online below.

  • Event attendees cannot register or purchase tickets at the door; register online on out site or through our Eventbrite page. There will be no refunds.

  • Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Advertisers: register and make payments on our website by August 15, 2024, to be included in the program booklet


Important Links:


​Advertisers and Exhibitors:

​Dietary Concerns:


Contact Us:
Registration Fees: Regular Registration: $100 per person + fees

Payments can be made below for the event on the left side for all conference attendees in the payment portal below.

Number of tickets you need are contained in the payment portal, just choose how many you need under quantity.)

                                Sponsor, Advertiser, and Exhibitor fees vary; see respective pages for details.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!​​​ We thank you all in advance for those who have registered as an attendee, a sponsor, or an advertiser, or exhibitor for payments and fees, for each type of request. Again, we thank you for your support.

TEF 2024 SmallBiz Attendee Information Form

How will you attend?

​Once you have made your sponsor payment above, completed everything below and click the send message button, then your registration process will be completed. We thank you in advance for your support. Please place your ad that you wish to be placed in our program book here:





©™2024 The Enhancement Foundation - An Approved IRS -501(C)(3) Organization

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