Chrystal S. Hunter
Social Media & Web Coordinator
Chrystal Hunter is the Training and Events Manager and is responsible for the coordination and delivery of training and educational programs to credit union staff and executives centered around pertinent areas of business affecting credit union operations and the delivery of services to its members.
Chrystal supports the MD|DC Credit Union Association's chapters, and currently serves as the staff liaison to the Young Professionals Network Advisory Board. She works closely with the Vice President of Engagement to achieve membership recruitment, engagement and retention goals, as well as the Senior Vice President of Credit Union Solutions in supporting the Viribus Task Force, a specialized working group for Affiliates with $50 million or less in assets.
In this capacity, Chrystal also collaborates with affiliate credit unions in bringing financial literacy to high school students and other young adults through Credit Union Financial Reality Fair programs. To date, that collaboration has impacted the lives of over 1,500 young adults throughout the region.
Chrystal brings over 15 years of experience in office administration and management, supporting small to large organizations. After entering the non-profit sector, she directed the membership recruitment and retention activities of the National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America, Inc. (NCBFAA). While with the NCBFAA, she assisted in the development and implementation of new member benefits and programs, and increased membership to over 1,000 members. In this capacity Chrystal also served as staff liaison to the Affiliated President’s Network.
Chrystal currently volunteers for The Enhancement Foundation as our Website and Social Media Coordinator.
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