Nancy L. Johnson joined the Air Force at a rip age of 17 years old, she served as a personnel Specialist and a Mortuary Specialist. She's a retiree who was deployed during the Gulf War. She has traveled the world extensively. She combined her Reserve Duty with her Active duty which allowed her to pursue a career in Nursing. She dedicated 18 years to Johns Hopkins Healthcare, specializing in Pediatrics, Internal Medicine and Family Practice.
Nancy is a grateful brea​st cancer survivor who loves to lead all those that she meets to the Lord Jesus Christ! He has led her to the newest career, which is a Licensed Real Estate Agent in the state of Virginia, working toward Principal Broker for Maryland and North Carolina. Catering to Veterans and First time Homebuyers. Nancy is a devoted wife, mother of one adult son, Julius and care giver for her father Dr. Bradley. Her motto is to always be seen serving!
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