Overall Enhancement Foundation’s Premise, Purpose and Passion
The Enhancement Foundation (TEF) was founded on the premise that:
• If we empower women who are single or head-of-household, or married we strengthen the family.
• We facilitate and improve opportunities not only for the disadvantaged, victimized, undeserved, underprivileged women but also for all women and the future of their children.
Building legacies embrace women to seek higher levels of confidence and sustainability and is essential to saving our children as the next generation. Therefore, TEF program options help to serve as a catalyst for positive change and impact for the future lives of women and the community simply because they are “life-givers”. Since women are life-givers, every aspect of a woman’s life must be emotionally, socially, mentally, economically, occupationally, medically, financially, creatively, innovatively and spiritually healthy.
TEF serves as a vehicle to combat and deter the challenges, circumstances, and systemic obstacles; so, life-givers can identify a better sense of self confidence and obtain a greater level of self-sufficiency, wholeness and health success in all areas of their life. TEF helps women to acknowledge and utilize their creative God-given strengths, opportunities, core competencies, with proper supports and resources to embellish their mind, body, heart and soul and spirit. We believe the whole woman needs to be provoked with a whole new set of principles and perspectives on life, wisdom and given from experience so higher standards of life can be achieved and passed on as positive legacy batons for future generations of women. Creating opportunities for women to plan, organize, restructure and redefine their thinking, allows them to gain the necessary knowledge and access to various supportive resources needed through various mediums, and program exposure to mentorship, coaching, awareness, independent, interpersonal, inspirational development planning and specialized education in various areas of life. Therefore, when women are faced with various impediments that prevent women from moving forward, they more readily can redirect their goals, energies, and aspirations in the future in a more healthy and positive way.
The Enhancement Foundation Inc.’s purpose is to empower, advocate, facilitate, educate and support the quality of life, value and contributions of women in society, the community, the nation and the world. We will offer women opportunities to grow, be encouraged and be challenged to achieve their life dreams and aspirations through guided positive experience and mentorship.
Our program offerings challenge their lives through incorporating social, emotional, educational, entrepreneurial, vocational/career, professional, coaching and technical training solutions. Our health, mental, spiritual awareness seminars are offered and coordinated not only through our internal program components but also through the establishment of interagency agreements with other carefully researched organizations in neighboring communities where women are provided with specialized information concerning these solutions that may impact them and provide resources to further support their needs to overcome their challenges. We evaluate the effectiveness of the program by examining our and our partner's process, the results and impact on our women participant's lives. We ensure we plan, organize, staff, coordinate, order the necessary supplies and services as well as budget.
Our passion is demonstrated through our foundations of love and our abilities to empathize and sincerely care. Our desire is to truly see women succeed and overcome their disadvantaged circumstances, systemic obstacles and barriers. We want women to share their successful testimonials to encourage each other. We want women to truly see us as a safe haven and realize a greater self-sufficiency and power through the acknowledgment and utilization of dormant, yet innate, creative God-given strengths, core competencies, proper supports and resources needed for their future lives and the future and legacy of their children.
TEF has established several exciting partnerships that are embellishing the lives of women and changing the community. Please see our partners:
TEF as an organization has held several successful programs throughout the years that has changed the lives of women.
Please see our events area of our website for more successful programs.

Our Vision

The Enhancement Foundation (TEF) understands, we must help women to successfully build and replicate behaviors that instills principles to positively stimulate the minds of their children in the future. TEF's vision is to serve as a results driven educational legacy builder, empowerment solution, and catalyst for impactful change for all life-givers "women" to proactively reach their full innovative potential in the community, the nation and in the world for the next generation.
Our Mission

The mission of the Enhancement Foundation, Inc.,is to enhance and empower the abilities of all women to effectively plan for their personal health, social, professional growth and development, by training and leading them toward a quality lifestyle, which contributes, to positive legacies for the future of all women and their up-and-coming generation of children.
In an effort to propel this mission, we send volunteer ambassadors out to raise social consciousness and awareness about (1) how our plans involve conducting monthly and yearly activities to include: specialized nutritional and health training, professional development training, workshops, conferences, and special annual theme events each year. (2) our program engages in resources, think tanks and innovation, training and solicit participation of all women so they may mitigate and avoid any crisis or risk they may encounter which may take them off their personal focus, plan and goals; (3) We investigate through various research data gathering mechanisms how we can further justify the needed help to support the need to end a specific epidemic. (4) As a result, we are able to establish unique public-private partnerships and interagency agreements to help us facilitate the necessary funding measures for the intended women in need.

Women Target Population Program Participants Criteria

To provide women with various empowerment training, core competency skills, resources and the awareness to the concerns that our women participants may or would not normally or necessarily have access to.
Although all women are able to participate in this program, as a priority, our specialized training programs, counseling and consulting services are offered to women who also meet the following criteria:
The disadvantaged, victimized, underprivileged, and underserved women and children, who have faced various life challenges
If participant has qualified for the Department of Social Services TANF, Medicaid or SNAP Programs
Victims of Domestic Violence
Family Violence
A Survivor or Victim of Sexual Violence
Serve as a Homeless Referral to Federal and State Programs and Resources
Need Housing Options
Women facing Health and Mental Challenges
High School Drop Out and Runaway Teenagers
Recent Divorcee
Returning to the Community
Need Vision Planning Skills
Women who are in need of inspirational and spiritual support
Please Note: Donations are accepted for all women who want to participant in any of our empowerment programs and who do not fall under any of the categories of prerequisites listed above. It is our goal to serve all women. Therefore, all donations received are utilized for the intended purposes of this 501(c)(3) Women's Empowerment program.

Our Goals
To encourage the use of God's wisdom and legacy building knowledge
To improve our cause to make a difference in others by helping them to improve the following in:
Median Household Income, Wages for common jobs and entrepreneurship skills, the inequality of wage distributions, income by location, poverty by age and gender, by race and ethnicity and employment by occupations for women including veterans. We also will help the women to make better choices in mitigating any health risks, crime, risky and harmful behaviors, educational gaps and completion of school requirements by the supportive workshop trainings and seminars, mentorship, counseling, empowerment events and resources provided and acquired through enhancing the lives of women in this program.
To improve social values and relationships
To improve professional and personal development
To develop a learning management training systemso women may be kept up to date, educated and made aware on various subject matters that impact their lives
To expose women to various cultural and leadership experiences
To garner a more diversified group of women in our program
To identify quantitative data that shows measurable research results found through our footprints in the community
To capture and compile supporting documentation to justify funding
To strategically execute all facets of our program operations by planning and education
To establish community partnerships, affiliations and interagency agreements as collaborative tools for strengthening our programs
To create an open dialogue with the community to receive customer feedback
To be visible within the community
To understand and make women aware of new legislations and regulations effecting women

Our Objectives and Strategies

Our Objectives and Strategies will be accomplished through:
Studying and teaching God's word to incorporate spiritual principles so that women may integrate these principles into their daily lives.
Shared experiences of dynamic speakers who serve as a vessel for depositing strategies that will lead to successful and impactful living.
The research and exploration of critical data that we will share to increase the knowledge of women and that of our funders.
The development of educational classes and cultural and spiritual experiences and retreats, field trips and special events
An established reputation of experienced subject matter experts and board members who are serious and committed to the advancement of all women.
Building relationships that are valuable to women and their families.
Invoking confidence in women to freely utilize their past experiences; knowledge; talents, gifts and abilities to stimulate a powerful social legacy for themselves and the next generation.
Cultivating key planning strategies, and core competencies that will lead to clearer introspection into women's real purpose of self in this world.
Fostering life changing and long lasting social and emotional decisions that will help to meet challenges head on among women.
Hosting various benefit events and activities that will broaden awareness of the need for research dollars that may strengthen and ultimately improve the quality of lives in the community for women.
Improving social family values and relationships.
Assisting women veterans in reestablishing themselves by exposing them to much needed resources.
Assisting women who have been incarcerated and transitioning them back into the community.
Keeping track of the women's status in the community who are apart of our program through the technology of our case management system and quality assurance process.
Sponsoring networking events for career development opportunities and business matchmaking events
Conducting personal, professional, management and leadership development workshops, conferences and pageants
Attracting funders to create mentorship opportunities that help define measurable performance goals and support legislative regulations
Hiring a staff of committed individuals who have core competency that can help organize and execute the vision.
Working with various collective projects where all can be appreciated and feel the necessary support required to execute the vision and the philosophy of this organization.
Seeking scholarships and internships

Our Network
As a private foundation, we acquire most of our funding through our network of local, state, federal civilian and military government organization, commercial/corporate sponsors, other private philanthropic groups and donations from individuals. Therefore, all proceeds from all events and activities will go directly toward assisting the Enhancement Foundation’s Empowerment efforts to sponsor, train and provide resources for all women including the victimized, undeserved and underprivileged, and veteran women, who have faced various life challenges as we assist them through our planned programs offered.

What TEF Believe About The Life-Giver

We believe it is our responsibility as a women's organization to ensure that women are developed appropriately, loved, empowered, supported, nurtured, protected and respected. Therefore, we will strive to ensure that women are embraced in these areas and that their lives are impactful. We will be focused on establishing our credibility within the community, churches, professional organizations, government, and others that will support this belief.

Our TEF Commitment To The Life-Giver
It is our commitment to support women with their aspirations and identify the necessary funding sources via grants, donations or other public support and fundraisers that can support this plan in the community, while providing mentorship and employment to women where applicable.

Why Choose Us?

We are dedicated to making women our top priorities.
We will teach and inspire women to stay focus and be self determined to never give up.
We will encourage women and others to seek God's wisdom and walk in God's image through our Foundations of Love Ministries and the Glory of the Phenomenal Women Small Groups.
We will help women to become confident and not destroy their self esteem.
We will challenge women to live and not just survive,
We will help women add value and build legacies for future impact of the next generation.
We will help women strive toward positive results.
We help women transition back into the community and acquire the necessary resources
We will fully utilize funding via grants, contributions and donations for women programs that will impact their growth and development.
Most of all we will help women to learn how to love the greater spirit within themselves, and others!

Once you have made your sponsor payment above, completed everything below and click the send message button, then your registration process will be completed. We thank you in advance for your support. Please place your ad that you wish to be placed in our program book here: